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InventorCon 21 Instant Access Rebroadcast
InventorCon 21 Instant Access: DAY 1
"What's the Big Idea?" with Bob Sager (64:35)
An Inventor's Journey with Marcy McKenna (59:21)
Pitching 101 with Scott Hynd (50:54)
Intellectual Property Track (92:00)
Prototype Track (125:32)
IP Symposium with Gene Quinn (56:42)
InventorCon 21 Instant Access: DAY 2
You've Got a Great Idea...What's Next - with Louis Foreman (69:39)
21st Century Licensing with Benjamin Harrison and Warren Wilson (63:29)
Bola Wrap Inventor: Woody Norris (59:11)
License or Venture? Marc Portney vs Stephen Key (60:21)
Licensing Track: April Mitchell, Edward Ayres, Andrew Krauss (119:36)
Manufacturing Track: Doug Clarke, Ralph Turner (87:57)
InventorCon 21 Instant Access: DAY 3
"What's The Big Idea?" with Bob Sager, Round 2 (67:40)
The State of Patents with Andrei Iancu (42:30)
Never Stop: How to Overcome Fear to Reinvent Yourself with Dana Knowles (59:41)
From Anguish to Accomplishment: Rick Kellow (55:02)
Inventors Who Have Overcome Obstacles: Bridgette Johnson, Dave Mead, Joe Pippins (63:43)
Funding Track Featuring Kedma Ough, Aimee Carroll, Howie Busch (121:50)
Marketing Track Featuring Courtney Laschkewitsch, Jim DBetta, Brittany Murphy (112:19)
Surprise Guest: Manufacturing Expert Sam Ung (23:10)
Don Skaggs: What's Important for Inventors (Closing Address) (20:29)
From Anguish to Accomplishment: Rick Kellow
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